Thursday, November 09, 2006

Test: A Dangerous Endeavor?

I've recently been messing around with my computer again... you'd think that a dedicated blogger like myself would be on top of the technology on this wonderful little machine, but no, I've been letting the waste accrue on my virtual desktop for the past few months.

Today, I'm experimenting with a dangerous thing... a built-in blog tool on my web browser. On the one hand, it is much more convenient to compose using this nifty application. What's scary is the increased chance of my H finding a digital trail that leads to this arena of deceit.

So, this is a test... will I continue using this method? I don't know...

EDIT 11/16: So I've decided not to use the built-in web-browser blog editor. It's just way too easy to discover, despite the fact that H & I have separate computers. He generally doesn't use my computer, but still, I just don't want to get too complacent. I have found another shortcut though, on a lockable program that's impossible to get to unless you know my password, which he doesn't know. If he asks why I have it locked, I'll just ask why was he looking? That'll work.


Chris said...

Working for a software company, I learned how much a ridiculous trail you leave from everything you do on a computer. I wouldn't advise making it any more automated, just as a precaution.

Anonymous said...

I agree.... You do need to be ultra careful.

Consummate John said...

This is one my my biggest fears. How would you explain it? Denial? Call it a work of fiction (as I saw recently on an adulterer's blog)?

FritzVonT said...

I'll chime in on the agreeing column. As much as I would love for it to be easier for you to post. Especially if it is on a shared computer.

In my case, I'm running on a linux laptop and my wife has very limited access to it. But It still makes me a bit nervous.

Unknown said...

good thinking on the Edit, love. i always have to clear out everything and never bookmark anything as we share one computer.

that will all change when i get my new laptop.